1st Suggetion: SEO Title
Sick of your mundane black or navy suit complete with a standard white shirt? Mix it up this season with some daring print mixing. If the thought of clashing prints triggers traumatic flashbacks to the 80s or simply committing a major fashion crime, it’s time to move out of your comfort zone and let the compliments roll in.

2nd Suggetion: SEO Title
Running the risk of looking somewhere between a peacock and like a toddler randomly selected clothing items for you, print mixing is a fine art. As with all things in life, size definitely matters. Either choose one print to dominate and the others to act as accents, or clash the same print in varying sizes to avoid the patterns competing for your eye’s attention. Play it safe in the office with a small checked shirt contrasted with a large-shaped geometric print tie. Take a risk for your next weekend lunch and clash a paisley print shirt with a thin-striped tie.
3rd Suggetion: SEO Title
For beginners, the biggest tip with colour is to keep it tonal. Keeping things within the same colour family (think navy with pale blue) allows you to mix stripes with checks to create a subtle yet bold look. For the more daring, don’t be afraid of mixing contrasting colours and complement warmer tones (browns, tans, reds, oranges) with cooler ones (blues, greys, purples, black). Look for the colours that are part of the supporting case of an ensemble. If there is a tan stripe in your jacket, try to use that tan as the dominant colour in your tie. Use these subtle undertones in the main piece of clothing and complement them with the accompanying shirt, tie or socks.

4th Suggetion: SEO Title
Ultimately, there are no hard and fast rules and practice makes perfect, but once you make a few trial runs, injecting some print clashes into your everyday wardrobe will be a breeze. Head in store for more advice or to update your wardrobe with fresh prints today!